solution falling asleep


People who take a long time to fall asleep should not stay in bed and try to fall asleep, but should only go to bed when they are tired again! 

As part of the so-called Stimulus Control Therapy (SCT) for sleep problems, Richard Bootzin has developed instructions that condition people to sleep. The bed is supposed to strengthen the sleep signal and weaken the wake signal. For example: only go to bed when you are tired. Otherwise, get up, do something else (e.g. read a book), avoid blue light and only go back to bed when you are tired.

Shorter sleep times can be learned: A study by Harris (2012) examined the effectiveness of sleep training compared to other interventions for sleep problems. Of the 79 participants, those who followed Bootzin's instructions shortened their sleep onset time. To this day, SCT is the gold standard for difficulties falling asleep; in the systematic review and meta-analysis by Jansson-Fröjmark (2023), a total of 11 studies were examined for the effectiveness of SCT. SCT was always considered to be an effective treatment for sleep disorders and insomnia.

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Stimulus Control and CBTI. (2023). Stanford Medicine. Retrieved 10.11.2023 from


Harris, J., Lack, L., Kemp, K., Wright, H., & Bootzin, R. (2012). A Randomized Controlled Trial of Intensive Sleep Retraining (ISR): A Brief Conditioning Treatment for Chronic Insomnia. Sleep, 35(1), 49-60.


Jansson-Fröjmark, M., Nordenstam, L., Alfonsson, S., Bohman, B., Rozental, A., & Norell-Clarke, A. (2023). Stimulus control for insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Sleep Research.

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