Survey: Well-being in corona time
ATTENTION: new short survey is online - it only takes 5 minutes
Here you can get to the current survey
This time it is all about your well-being and how much of your free time you spend on the internet. How has the last year influenced your behaviour? And which offers would support you right now? Take a little bit of time (it will not even take 10 minutes) and answer some of our questions so that we can establish offers based on your needs.
The current situation challenges all of us. We want to support you during these times to the best of our abilities. We receive many questions and you often want to know if other students are feelings the same. To give you some answers we conducted two short surveys on well-being last year. An excerpt of the results from the first (n=1073) and second survey (n=705 students at TUM) can be found below.
But we don't just want to know how you are doing, we also want to find out in which areas you are doing better/worse than before the pandemic. This helps us in deriving health-promoting programs.
Needs-oriented offers such as stay-at-home tips or challenges in the area of mental health and exercising as well as individual workouts, mobility training units and a collection of healthy recipes from students for students have since been created and are available to you on our homepage for the long term.
Further offers will follow soon.
The current situation poses new challenges for all of us. We would like to be at your side during this time and provide the best possible support.
The questionnaire will be available here until May 10th. It only takes 5 min to complete. By participating you will help us to get an overview of your current situation and needs. This is the best way we can assist you as needed.
Click here for the survey.
(Please excuse that all slides below are only available in German.)
Results of the second corona survey (December 2020)
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