
Gender Equality Office

Have you ever heard the phrase “Equality doesn’t mean justice!” heard? At the Technical University of Munich, equal opportunities and equality between men and women are also very important. The Gender Equality Office supports the Women's representative TUM is committed to enforcing and strengthening equal rights in as many areas as possible. She and her team support students as confidants with advice and experience and also offer advice on scholarships. If you are very interested in this topic or if you are struggling with difficulties in this regard during your studies, then you have come to exactly the right place. Students can also get advice about studying at TUM here.

Study advice for female students

This advisory service is aimed specifically at: female students. Here, as a student, you have the opportunity to receive advice and find competent contacts during the first-semester consultation hours and career advice.You can find the contact details here: Equal opportunities for female students .
In addition, men can remember this Violence against men helpline turn around.

Equal Opportunities Office

For students from all disciplines at TUM Equal Opportunities Office free Group coaching at.


If you have any questions, please contact Aljona Merk,
Diversity & Equal Opportunities Office.
Support offers outside of TUM:

TUM family service

Pregnancy and the birth of a child can fundamentally change or even disrupt your current life and therefore your study situation. To get help dealing with this new challenge, there is the TUM Family Service. In addition to childcare and financing, you will find many helpful tips on combining studies and family planning.
Here's the link TUM-Family family service.

You should have one Caring for relatives, you can also find it at the family service Further information . In addition to a wide range of advice, this offer is particularly interesting in “emergency situations” where emergency care is organized for you. This offer (advice & mediation) is free of charge and is provided by the TUM cooperation partner
awo life balance accepted.
You can find a list of other advice centers in the Munich area here: Care for relatives.
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