running program

Are you a running grouch?

We'll get you fit in 10 weeks so you can reach your goal healthily and with fun!

You don't have anything to do with running?

Then it's time to give it a try (or give running a second or third chance). With our 10-week program for beginners, the TUM4Health team wants to get you fit so that you can complete your next run in good health - and have fun exercising!

We offer a plan with a goal of 5.5km for beginners. No prerequisites are necessary here and we will slowly introduce you to the burdens. If you have already trained with us last year, or if running for 30 minutes at a time is generally possible for you, you can also try our 11km plan.

Here's how you can do it!

We don't want to put any additional stress on you. Goals that are too ambitious are often demotivating and not good for your health. We don't want to push you to the best time, but rather show you that with a little training it's not that difficult to reach your goal - with fun in the movement, the certainty that you're doing something good for your body and a smile on your face. Try it!

If you start now and get fit, you can easily take part in the TUM Campus Run on May 15, 2024.

Don't miss this event - here you will also be able to choose between the distances 5.5km and 11km.

Running checklist

The great thing about running is that it doesn't require a lot of equipment or preparation. However, a few basics and precautions still make sense. That's why we've put together the running checklist for you.

Running checklist

Now, did you check off all the items of the checklist?
Then we can continue...

The running training

The TUM4Health running ABC

Running ABCs consist of different exercises that improve coordination, running technique or simply muscular preparation for a training/competition. In the advanced 11km plan, we have integrated a running ABC into the training. But it's not just advanced people who benefit from these exercises. Maybe, as a beginner, you will find one or two exercises that you want to integrate into your training.

Campus run is hosted by TUM: Junge Akademie

Supported by TUM4Health and the Sports and Health Department - as well as numerous student helpers

TUM Campuslauf 2024

The TUM Campus Run will take place again this year and will take place on May 15, 2024 at 5 p.m. on the Garching campus.

There will be a total of 11 different ratings. The motto this time is "

running globally

" and so there will also be the opportunity to take part virtually and from anywhere. Further information about the categories and the virtual campus run will be available shortly.

After the run is before the run

We were very happy about your great participation in our running program and the 2023 campus run!

More programs will soon follow for all running enthusiasts to maintain their newfound fitness until the next campus run. If you have any questions, comments or special requests, please write to us:

You can find the times of all runners and soon numerous photos on the Homepage of the TUM Young Academy.

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