Solution nails

This myth is made up!

It is a widespread but incorrect assumption that the light spots, called "Leukonychia punctata" in technical terms [1], are due to a calcium deficiency. Lacking nutrients can lead to soft and brittle nails but not white spots, after all, our nails only consist of a fraction of calcium [2]. In reality, these spots usually occur as a result of inflammation or injury to the nail root [3] and this can happen quickly and completely unnoticed in everyday life, as even slight bumps can damage it. 

As a result, the keratinization in the nail is disturbed, as the injured areas do not grow back together completely, causing small air pockets in the nail, which then become visible as white discoloration [3].

If you discover such a white spot on your nails don't worry! In the end they are completely harmless and are only a small blemish - so at the most they offer you the chance to take a little study break and put on some nail polish. 

Here it goes back to the myth overview

[1] Samman, PD, Christophers E. (1968): Nail changes in general diseases.In: nail diseases. Heidelberg Pocket Books, vol 29. Springer Verlag.
[2] Leonhard, N., Aeberhard, C., Birrenbach, T., Stanga, Z. (2015): An unusual oneDiagnosis. IN: PRACTICE Medicine, University Hospital.
[3] Fritsch, P. (1983): Diseases of the skin appendages: nails. In: Dermatology.Heidelberg pocket books (basic text medicine), vol 222. Springer Verlag.
[4] Schulz, H., Hundiker, M. & Kreusch, J. (2016): Cosmetological diagnostics of hair,Nails and skin. In: Aesthetic Dermatology & Cosmetology. Springer publishing house.

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