Green tea solution

This myth is true!

Is is not just another myth about weight loss! It is true that drinking tea in certain amounts supports weight loss [1]. The plant substances "catechins" which are contained in tea leaves are responsible for this [1]. By inhibiting certain enzymes the fat metabolism is stimulated and this leads to a significant body weight reduction which can be maintained [1]. So this means it is not simply a question of temporary "water loss". Catechins can not only be found in green tea but also in white tea and in fruits such as apples and pears [2]. 

The consumption of green tea has also further beneficial effects [3]. Catechins that are contained in the leaves of camellia sinensis [3] show antiviral effects and prevent numerous viruses [3]. 

And looking at the media we all long for some antiviral effect right now. 

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[1] R. Hursel, W. Viechtbauer, M. S. Westerterp-Plantenga (2009). The effects of green tea on weight loss and weight maintenance: a meta-analysis. In: International Journal of Obesity. Maastricht; Niederlande: Department of Human Biology, Nutrition and Toxicology Research Institute Maastricht (NUTRIM) Maastricht University.
[2] Catechine. In: Römpp Online. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag.
[3] J. Xu, Z. Xu, W. Zheng (2017). A Review of the Antiviral Role of Green Tea Catechins. Zhengzhou; China: College of Life Sciences, Henan Agricultural University.
[4] D. O'Neill Rothenberg, C. Zhou, L. Zhang (2018). A Review on the Weight-Loss Effects of Oxidized Tea Polyphenols. Guangzhou; China: College of Horticulture Science, South China Agricultural University

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