oil pulling

Oil pulling

Ever heard of oil pulling? It is considered to be preventive and therapeutically effective for treating oral diseases such as caries, periodontal inflammation and halitosis. But what exactly is oil pulling, where does this trend come from and how does it work?

In the following we will tell you everything you need to know:  

Oil pulling is a very old Indian tradition that is even mentioned in Ayurvedic sources Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita as "Kavala Gandoosha" or "Kavala Graha". According to these sources oil pulling serves as an effective therapy in treating over 30 diseases. In particular, it is said to help against bad breath, bleeding gums, dryness of the throat and chapped lips.

How does one maintain oral hygiene? 

Take a tablespoon of oil into your mouth (e.g. sunflower or sesame oil) and move the oil around. It is important to keep the oil in motion and to pull it between your interdental spaces. It is best to do this before breakfast for 10-20 minutes. 

If performed correctly, you will notice that the oil has a runny and miky consistency. 

If done correctly, you will notice that the oil's consistency is now runny and milky. Finally, spit the oil out and rinse your mouth using clean water. 

Back to the myth overview

1. Dr. Abhinav Singh (2011). Tooth brushing, oil pulling and tissue regeneration: A review of holistic approaches to oral health. Department of Health Dentistry, People’s College of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Bhopal, India.
2. Nicole Peck, B.SC., Prof. Dr. Peter Hahner, M.Sc., Prof.Dr. Georg Gaßmann. Ölziehen in der Prävention und Therapie oraler Erkrankungen. Reviewed 04.11.2019 from https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved= 2ahUKEwjc8YOp4NDlAhVOJ1AKHXVPBQoQFjABegQIARAC&url=https%3A %2F%2Fepaper.zwp-online.info%2Fepaper%2F5937%2Fexport- article%2F6&usg=AOvVaw3b0aSFbyBo8_JrZiAJgucY

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