Health tips

Health tips and tricks

Combating stress effectively 

Sometimes everything is just too much -  exams, meetings with the study group over Zoom, a part-time job and then you still have to leave enough time for friends and family. 
We have collected a few tips on how you can keep a cool head in stressful situations and face the whole thing in a more relaxed way.
Here's how it works!

5 short exercises for at home 

In times of Corona, a large proportion of TUM's nearly 43,000 students are now spending more and more of their time behind a desk [1]. This increase in sedentaryness can have serious consequences for both the mental and physical health of students [2,3,5]. According to a Corona situation survey, 48% of respondents report experiencing an overall more negative mood. Also, 30% of respondents experience increased stress levels [4].

For this reason, we have 5 simple and quick exercises for you, which on the one hand ensure relaxation in the home office, and on the other hand strengthen the back muscles. 
Here's how it works!

Breakfast in the morning drives away sorrow and worries

While some swear on breakfast, others do not have breakfast in the morning at all. But breakfast has numerous health benefits. 
Here's how it works!

Tipps to overcome the inner temptation

Should I or should I not go to the gym? Tomorrow I'll start my new training plan. Today I'll treat myself with a pizza and from tomorrow I'll go to the gym regularly.
Everyone knows the hard battle with oneself: should I watch another episode of Netflix or should I go to the gym? 
Here's how it works!

forest bathing

Forest bathing- sounds funny? Maybe you should give it a try. We will explain why and which benefits it may have. 
Here's how it works!

meditation improves quality of sleep

Who has not been in this situation before? You have mixed up your deadlines and are now stuck at your laptop until late in the evening to complete your assignment before midnight. Only then you will be able to fully relax. And sleep is still far off. What can you do to improve your quality of sleep? Click on the button below to find out: 
Here's how it works!

tips for a healthy sleep

Who is familiar with the following scenario? You wake up in the morning already feeling tired and exhausted and have difficulties concentrating the entire day. Getting too little sleep can slow down our reaction speed and cause fluctuations in performance, especially with regard to our attention (Killgore W. D. 2010). 
For optimal health scientists recommend 7h of sleep per night (Watson, N. F. et al 2015). Extrapolated, we spend about 24 years of our lives sleeping. 
Since our sleep seems to have an important influence on us and our performance, the question arises as to how we can positively influence our sleep.
our sleep. Here are some tips:
Here's how it works!

spine mobilisation exercises at the desk 

To do something good for our spine during the many hours we currently spend sitting at our desks, here are 5 easy exercises you can do inbetween online classes. They mobilise your spine and you do not need more than five minutes and your chair! For each exercise, sit upright in your chair and keep the soles of your feet flat on the floor. 
Here's how it works!

A daily outdoor walk keeps you fit

Tip from Luisa: 
You don't have to be a sport scientist to know that walking by foot is healthy. However, in today's world we sit often and for long periods of time. Whether that be in the office, home office, at school, at university or on the couch we sit for several hours every day. 
Here's how it works!

A healthy and balanced diet helps to prevent colds  

Especially in the (still) cold season it is easy to get a runny nose or a scratchy throat. To prevent this or at least to guarantee a short and mild course of the cold it is important to strengthen the immune system and the body's own defences. 
Here's how it works!

nutrition - eat at the table 

Have you eaten in front of the TV again without consciously noticing what you ate? Find out here why it is better to actually sit down for your meals and focus on eating: 
Here's how it works!

staying fit during the pandemic 

On March 12, 2020 the World Health Organization officially declared that the corona disease (COVID-19) can be characterised as a pandemic. The curfew and contact restrictions that were put into place strongly impact our physical and mental health.
Here's how it works!

cucumber - the all round health food 

"Cucumbers only consist of water after all and that's exactly how they taste!" Well, it might not be everyone's favourite but its positive impact on the organism cannot be denied. 
Here's how it works!

digital detox - take a break from social media

It is always there, it rings and buzzes and you pull it out of your pocket more than you probably think you do. The Smartphone. How much time do we actually spend on our cell phones?    

Here's how it works!


Health has become a matter of course for many people. It is just as natural for us to immediately resort to medication when feeling unwell or even ill. But we often forget that nature provides remedies for some health problems too. We all know ginger, for example. As inconspicuous as the tuber looks, this plant has many positive and health-promoting qualities.

Here's how it works!

exercising despite the restrictions

A healthy lifestyle undoubtedly includes sufficient exercise. Depending on the type and amount, working out regularly can significantly increase life expectancy, strengthen the immune system as well as improve general fitness. 
Due to the current situation, gyms and other facilities where people can normally exercise together remain closed. Digital teaching and working remotely also lead to us spending more and more time sitting at a desk. 
To make sure you don't miss out on exercising, we've put together a list of free online sports offers. Too little space or no equipment? These are no longer acceptable excuses. 

Here's how it works!

10 min for yourself – meditation

In our everyday life we encounter many different types of stress: social stress, time pressure, critical life events or internal / emotional stress. Meditating can be helpful to cope with these situations. 
Here we show you how it works!

Here's how it works!

"Abshaken" (shake it off) 

We keep hearing that we should exercise regularly (preferably through all of our lives). We should also be mindful to a good sitting posture and a dynamic workplace. But as we probably all know it just doesn't always work that easily. Especially when university or work get more demanding and stressful there is not a lot of free time left. In such situations, back and neck pain and muscle tension are almost inevitable. You are already in a bad mood due to all the stress and in addition you experience pain that makes you want to move even less. How do you break this vicious cycle?

Here's how it works!

Washing hands - everyone can do that, right?

Unfortunately, no.

Surveys have shown that many of us wash our hands too shortly to effectively get rid of pathogenic germs. And according to the BZgA, up to 80% of all infectious diseases are transmitted by our hands - including , for example, colds, the flu or gastrointestinal infections. Every day our hands come into contact with a large number of germs and can transfer them to everything that is subsequently touched.

Here's how it works!

oil pulling 

Ever heard of oil pulling? It is considered to be preventive and therapeutically effective for treating oral diseases such as caries, periodontal inflammation and halitosis. But what exactly is oil pulling, where does this trend come from and how does it work?

Here's how it works!

Get out into the sun - especially in during winter

Not only is the current pandemic situation wearing on our nerves and causing us to spend more time at home, but now the winter months are also making it more likely that we will spend even less time outdoors. Yet it is particularly important to soak up the sun every day during the darker months of the year to do something good for yourself and your health. 
You can find out why here:
Here's how it works!

Eye massage

Have you experienced the following too: blurred vision during the lecture and no amount of blinking clears your vision? 
Our eyes make up a large part of our sensory impressions, so we think they deserve more attention. 
The protective function of our eyes is permanent and reliable. Doing small exercises can make a difference and help our eyes.

Here's how it works!
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