How long have you been sitting today? Don't you feel like getting some exercise? With music and a good mood, of course! Shake off the stress!
Take 10 minutes and let it all out, dance on the sofa, on your bed, jump around, feel free and unobserved!
We'll show you how to do it in our video! Enjoy watching and get inspired.
For more information and scientific background why "shaking it off" is good for your mental health, you can find out more in our "health tips" on the homepage.
You don't know what to do and are on your phone a lot today, or you have so much to do that you don't know what to do first? Take a short break and go into the kitchen. Make yourself a whole pot of tea (green tea, fruit tea, black tea: whatever you feel like), sit down somewhere comfortable, maybe light a few candles and if you like, play some relaxing music quietly in the background. The important thing with this challenge is that you put your phone away so that you can free your mind completely. It's best to turn it off. Don't look at your phone until you've finished your teapot.
Use this time to calm down completely, look out the window, let the music sprinkle in some tunes and try to taste and enjoy every single sip of your tea!
If you are still curious about the background of this challenge, then just read on:
Just between you and me, we students spend far too much time on our phones and laptops. The constant pressure of having to check our smartphones so that we don't miss anything new and are available for social media causes stress. The constant vibration and the pressure to be available makes us spend even more time on our phones. And at some point, it all becomes a habit. According to a study, increased smartphone use is linked to stress and anxiety [1]. Hyong et al. found that doing two tasks with one smartphone reduces cognitive abilities and dynamic balance. This means that to avoid falls and injuries, you should concentrate on completing one task and not use the many functions of a smartphone while walking or working [2].
Studies on tea consumption show that long-term tea consumption is significantly associated with a reduced likelihood of developing depressive and anxiety symptoms [3].
Tea has many other health benefits, such as a reduced risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease and cancer. Tea can also be used to prevent tooth decay, osteoporosis and obesity. This includes, for example, the tea plant Camellia sinensis. It is rich in polyphenols, which have a preventive effect via antioxidant mechanisms. However, this tea plant should not be used by people with poor iron supply, as this can lead to anemia [4].
[1] Vahedi, Z., & Saiphoo, A. (2018). The association between smartphone use, stress, and anxiety: A meta-analytic review. Stress and health: journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress, 34(3), 347–358.
[2] Hyong, IH (2015). The effects on dynamic balance of dual-tasking using smartphone functions. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27(2), 527-529.
[3] Chan, S.-P., Yong, PZ, Sun, Y., Mahendran, R., Wong, JCM, Qiu, C., et al. (2018). Associations of Long-Term Tea Consumption with Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Community-Living Elderly: Findings from the Diet and Healthy Aging Study. The journal of prevention of Alzheimer's disease, 5(1), 21–25.
[4] Eichholzer, M. (2006). Tea and health. Current nutritional medicine, 31(01), 18–22.
Do you actually drink enough water every day? “Every adult needs about two liters of water a day” [1]. You’ve probably heard this sentence before. Why is it so important?
The body loses fluid through various processes (such as breathing, sweating or excretion through the kidneys and intestines). Therefore, a regular supply of fluids is vital.
It is important to know that fruit juice, milk or lemonade are not the same as water. This is because the body can use the water immediately, whereas with juice the sugar must be broken down first. A lack of water in the body can lead to significant health problems and limitations of vital and physical functions [2].
Therefore, drink enough water, as this will protect your body and help your kidneys to work properly [3]!
→ While studying, you can sometimes forget to drink - this is understandable during exams, but it will harm your concentration and performance. Reminding yourself to drink is also often difficult. So try one of the following apps:
- Plant Nanny
- Water time
- Drink water
If you are interested in the topic and would like to learn more about it, you can find further interesting information here [2]:
1. Within 24 hours, about 1400 liters of water flow through the brain and 2000 liters through the kidneys.
2. Depending on the extent of dehydration, the symptoms and effects on the body change.
Here are some possible symptoms that may occur with increasing fluid deficit:
3. RULE OF THUMB: you should drink 30ml of water per kg of body weight daily (1.5-3 liters).
4. Urine color: did you know that the color of your urine indicates your hydration and health status - from colorless to yellow to green, brown and red?
For further information follow the link [4] in the source.
[1] Fit through liquid. (1995). Medicine: Drinking cure on hot days(6). Retrieved from
[3] Wang, CJ, Grantham, JJ, & Wetmore, JB (2013). The medicinal use of water in renal disease. Kidney International, 84(1), 45-53. doi:
[4], whereas%20lightyellow%20bis%20colorless%20appear.
There certainly is a special character trait, a talent or even a certain action of a person that you have always appreciated or have appreciated for a long time.
Let him/her know with a compliment!
Whether you simply call her, write a card or tell her in person is entirely up to you...
Honest compliments warm most people's hearts. We feel loved, valued, and the positive feedback encourages us to act in a more positive way, making us more self-confident. Compliments promote positive self-esteem and social acceptance, which are crucial for people's self-esteem as well as their health and well-being (Leary & Downs, 1995; Leary et al., 1995).
Expressions of admiration, support and general appreciation satisfy basic human needs and are therefore an important part of our society (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). Compliments can strengthen relationships, start new friendships or make someone else's day.
When was the last time you gave someone a compliment? And when was the last time you received one?
Compliments are often held back and not expressed. Boothby and Bohns investigated why this is the case in five different studies. They came to the following conclusion: people misjudge how their compliments make the recipient feel and therefore refrain from giving them.
Baumeister, R. F., Leary, M. R. (1995). The need to belong: Desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 117, 497–529.
A compliment is never in vain if it is honest. Rather, it is a loving gesture with which you enrich others and do something good for yourself at the same time.
What's the saying? Give someone a compliment and get a smile in return!
Finishing an assignment and then quickly going shopping and thinking about a meal. Our schedule often gets pretty hectic and we quickly put pasta with pesto or tomato sauce on the stove. We're so stressed that we don't have time to cook a nice recipe.
Take some time today and choose a recipe of your choice that you have not cooked before. Carolin shows you how she did it in a short video. If you like, you can also find more recipes on our TUM4Health website. You can turn on some relaxing music in the background and cook according to the recipe in a relaxed manner. Maybe you will even find new variations to expand your culinary skills.
Incorporate a 5-minute breathing exercise into your morning routine today to wake up and start the day feeling fresh and energized.
Shortly after waking up, your mind is still clear and open. Your breathing is the easiest way to direct your mind. Breathing exercises focus your attention on natural breathing and the movement it creates. Consciously breathing in and out spreads a pleasant feeling throughout your body (Theßen, 2016) - and you prepare yourself optimally for the day!
When you breathe in, the air enters the airways of the lungs through the mouth (“mouth breathing”) or through the nose (“nasal breathing”) via the trachea. The alveoli absorb oxygen (O2) from the air into the blood, while at the same time carbon dioxide (CO2) is released from the blood into the air, which is then released again when you breathe out (Faller, 2009).
- The body is supplied with oxygen, deposits and toxins are burnt off and excreted.
- The breath is a carrier of life energy. By breathing in and out, we are connected to the rhythm, the pulsation of life.
- Tension and stress can block the natural flow of breath. Emotions can be influenced through the breath (Mecklenburg, 2018).
The aim of these breathing exercises is to maintain, improve or restore the best possible breathing function. In principle, everyone can benefit from breathing exercises, as they increase and improve lung volume, respiratory muscles and therefore also breathing performance. Stressed people in particular use breathing techniques to relax (Rutte & Sturm, 2017). According to a study conducted by the Karolinska Institute in Sweden in 2018, nasal breathing is said to have a positive effect on brain function. The memory of the study participants was improved with nasal breathing in contrast to mouth breathing (Arshamian, Iravani, Majid, & Lundström, 2018).
After getting up, stand at an open window or on the balcony/terrace and breathe deeply and completely into your stomach for a few minutes and then breathe out again. The "all-rounder breath" is a great ritual to wake up and start the day fresh and full of energy.
You can do this exercise lying on your back or sitting down. Count to three as you breathe in, your stomach rising. Count to three as you breathe out, your stomach falling. After you have done this breathing technique a few times, you can gradually extend the exhalation to six. If your mind wanders, simply return your concentration to counting and continue the breathing exercise for a few minutes.
You can do this exercise lying on your back or sitting down. First, place your hands on your stomach and feel how your abdominal wall rises and falls. After a few breaths, place your hands on the right and left ribs of your chest so that your thumbs point inwards. Feel how your chest expands with each breath. Finally, place your hands on the top of your lungs at the level of the top ribs and below the collarbones. Feel how the upper chest rises a little. Observe your breath in these 3 places for 6 to 10 breaths and feel what is happening in your body (Kaufmann, 2019).
Arshamian, A., Iravani, B., Majid, A., & Lundström, J. N. (2018). Respiration modulates olfactory memory consolidation in humans. Journal of Neuroscience, 38(48), 10286-10294.
Surprise someone close to you with a small gesture. Remember that a nice surprise doesn't always have to be material.
Today we are taking our cue from an old German proverb that says that small gifts keep friendships alive. Try to surprise someone in your circle of friends with a small gesture. This gesture doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate, because it's about the attention you give to the other person. A nice surprise doesn't have to be material, but can also consist of relieving someone of rather annoying tasks. You can surprise them by cleaning the apartment or preparing a nice dinner. Small surprises release endorphins. These happiness hormones boost your mood, awaken your drive and make you want to go on new adventures [1]. Good reasons to pay more attention to these special messengers and to promote them! They also support physical and mental health and prevent stress, reduce hunger, strengthen the immune system and improve sleep [2].
[1] Craft, Lynette L.; Perna, Frank M. (2004): The Benefits of Exercise for the Clinically Depressed. In: Primary Care Companion to The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 6 (3), pp. 104–111. DOI: 10.4088/pcc.v06n0301.
[2] Dunbar, RIM; Baron, Rebecca; Frangou, Anna; Pearce, Eiluned; van Leeuwen, Edwin JC; Stow, Julie et al. (2012): Social laughter is correlated with an elevated pain threshold. In: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1731), pp. 1161–1167. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1373.
Take an active break with guided desk yoga.
Important: Yoga is the connection of mind, body and soul through breathing. So always pay attention to your breathing - the essence of life.
10 Facts about Yoga
Today’s challenge is to 'slim down' digitally.
Incorporate a digital break or several breaks into your day today.
Digital detox - also called mobile phone fasting - is a countermovement to the online frenzy.
Who hasn't heard of it? It rings, vibrates, flashes and usually has a firm grip on our lives: our smartphone.
According to the ARD/ZDF online study 2020, we use the internet for an average of almost 3.5 hours every day (ARD/ZDF Research Commission, 2020). The most common negative effects of smartphones are disruptions, distraction, lack of concentration, risk of accidents and poor work productivity. Smartphone abstinence, on the other hand, makes it easier to switch off mentally and promotes regenerative processes of relaxation and control (Zinn, C. et al., 2019).
How can you best incorporate digital breaks into your everyday life? We have put together a few tips for you. However, radical abstinence won't help much in the long term if you do not change your habits afterwards. And digital detox is actually not helpful in the long term, so targeted and sensible use of smartphones and social media is essential (Perlow, L., 2012).
Set certain periods in which your smartphone will definitely be turned off! For example, two hours after work or one whole day a week.
Declare places taboo zones. A good place for this is the bedroom, for example. Using smartphones here has been proven to disrupt sleep (Alshobaili, FA, & AlYousefi, NA, 2019).
Other options:
The smartphone has become so essential to us because it can help us in almost all situations. But people were also able to solve these tasks in non-digital times. Perhaps you already have one or two alternatives to the digital service.
Here are a few suggestions:
Push notifications and new messages are distracting. Mute or deactivate the relevant functions. This way you can decide freely when you want to read messages from friends or other news.
Isn't that contradictory? - Not necessarily.
There are actually a number of apps that can help us here. For example, they block access to social networks for a certain period of time.
Here is a small selection of popular options:
Forest: Stay focused, be present (Virtual trees are planted here to maintain concentration. If the cell phone is at rest for a predetermined period of time, the tree can grow, otherwise it dies).
Flipd (The Full Lock mode hides selected apps from you for a predetermined time. When the timer expires, your apps will reappear on your screen).
Emphasis: Focus Timer (Structures your workflow using the Pomodoro technique - the working time is divided into 25-minute sections and break times).
Today we have a short meditation. It only takes 5 minutes and can be done at any time. Take these few minutes just for YOU today! All you need is yourself, a quiet place and the guided meditation (audio, see below).
Option: You can also do your own meditation. Simply set a timer for 5 (or more) minutes – or meditate without a time limit!
A monk, cross-legged, sits peacefully in one place for hours, thinking about nothing. Breathing. This is the image that comes to mind for most people when they hear the word meditation. But meditation is quite complex on closer inspection. There are different understandings, expectations or techniques of meditation. In the Middle Ages, for example, meditation did not mean "classic" sitting - or meditating - but "deep reflection on spiritual or philosophical problems" (1). In keeping with the original Latin word meditari, which means something like "to think about something".
"Meditation is not about trying to get somewhere. It's about allowing ourselves to be exactly where we are and to be exactly as we are, and likewise allowing the world to be exactly as it is in this moment."
Jon Kabat-Zinn (successful meditation teacher and bestselling author)
There are many different types of meditation, but they are difficult to classify. The most well-known include:
Zen meditation with zazen (sitting meditation) at its core. It teaches mindfulness and letting go (of the mind!), but above all not to value things from everyday life. It brings more peace, serenity, relaxation, joie de vivre and, above all, mindfulness.
Meditation traditionally takes place sitting upright - ideally in the lotus position, but this is not compulsory - and revolves around concentrating on your own breathing. Everything else is blocked out, only the moment and your breathing play a role. The higher the “level” of the meditator, the less they have to concentrate on their breath in order to let go.
Vipassana meditation - also known as "insight meditation" as the oldest form of meditation: typically at least 10 days in one place/area, silently meditating (sitting and walking meditation), often combined with 5 rules (do not kill - not even insects, do not steal, do not engage in sexual activity, do not lie, and do not use addictive substances). The aim of Vipassana meditation is to gain insight into how things work (the true nature of things) and to deal better with emotions by letting go of attitudes that cause suffering and leading a better, suffering-free and less stressed life.
Traditionally, yoga does not only consist of physical exercises (asanas), but of 8 stages that also include attitudes, perceptions (breath/senses), mindfulness, meditation and spirituality. The last stage is "oneness" (samadhi), inner peace. The asanas mainly help to master the next stages, such as breathing exercises or meditation. Yoga can therefore take many different forms and be an important part of meditation.
There are many other types of meditation, such as QuiGong, martial arts, walking or music meditations as active meditations or various Buddhist quiet meditations. Ultimately, every moment and every (everyday) action can become a meditation if it is observed with full, conscious attention and without distraction.
Overall, meditation promotes physical and emotional/mental health (reduction of depression, anxiety disorders or behavioral disorders such as alcohol abuse) and reduces the feeling of stress. (2)
Do you have so much to do today that you don’t even know where to start?
Then create a daily plan! This way you can not only plan your time, but also structure your day.
We have different peaks and troughs of performance throughout the day. Use this knowledge and plan your tasks accordingly. You should do difficult tasks that require a lot of concentration during your most productive time. Whereas you should do routine tasks during your least productive time.
Don't forget to take breaks every now and then, for example by going outside for some fresh air.
One last tip: Completing difficult tasks in the morning motivates you throughout the day (1).
Below is an example of a daily schedule:
To improve your mood, memory and immune system, try going to bed 30 minutes earlier today.
Half an hour isn't exactly a long time to change your sleep deficit, but it could have several positive effects:
Messenger substances, also called cytokines, are powerful sleep triggers that are released in large quantities during an immune reaction. This is the mechanism that drives the need for sleep when we are sick and thus supports the body's healing process. Cytokines also help to fight off infections and protect us from illness (1). Several studies have also found that sufficient sleep protects against obesity and depression. Scientists at the University of California have found that chronic insomnia is a cause of obesity. "The sudden change in daily metabolism often leads to cravings in insomniacs." Depression and anxiety neuroses can be caused and exacerbated by a lack of sleep. According to researchers, you are more productive and in a much better mood if you start the day well rested. The risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease is also reduced (2-4).
Do you keep resolving to go to bed earlier but can't manage it? These tips will definitely help you: Set yourself a limit!
You should have turned off all digital devices about 30 minutes before this time, because light-emitting devices can reset the body's natural rhythm. This makes it harder for you to fall asleep (5). It is best to gradually move the limit forward, because of course you may find it difficult to suddenly go to bed half an hour earlier. First you should go to bed 10 minutes earlier, then twenty minutes, and so on.
This gives you one more reason to put on your most comfortable pajamas a little earlier!
(2) von Känel R. Normal and disturbed sleep. Psychoendocrinology and psychoimmunology: Springer; 2011. p. 247-66.
(3) von Kunhardt G. What influence does the performance society have on the development of stress? Living a lifetime: Springer; 2014. p. 117-32.
(4) Hense S, Bayer O. Sleep duration and obesity. Federal Health Gazette-Health Research-Health Protection. 2011;54(12):1337-43.
(5) Werth L, Steidle A, Hubschneider C, de Boer J, Sedlbauer K. Psychological findings on light and its effects on people – an overview. Building physics. 2013;35(3):193-204.
Try to avoid sugar for a day. Be conscious of your sugar intake.
Important: the renunciation refers to added refined sugar – the fructose contained in fruit, for example, is not taken into account here.
Today's daily challenge involves consciously avoiding sugar. In Germany, an average of 93 grams of sugar is consumed daily [1].
In comparison, the WHO (World Health Organization) recommends that a daily intake of 50 grams of sugar should not be exceeded [2]. The health consequences of adjusting sugar consumption are far-reaching. For example, a study by the University of South Wales in Australia shows that excessive sugar and fat consumption can impair memory functions [3]. In addition, sugar is suspected of promoting the onset of depression [4]. Furthermore, regular consumption of sugary drinks (2 glasses or more per day) increases the risk of developing metabolic syndrome or diabetes mellitus [5].
[2] German Obesity Society (DAG), German Diabetes Society (DDG), German Nutrition Society (DGE): Consensus paper. Quantitative recommendation on sugar intake in Germany, December 2018, online at (accessed 22.12.2020)
[3] Beilharz, Jessica E.; Maniam, Jayanthi; Morris, Margaret J. (2015): Diet-Induced Cognitive Deficits: The Role of Fat and Sugar, Potential Mechanisms and Nutritional Interventions. In: Nutrients 7 (8), pp. 6719–6738. DOI: 10.3390/nu7085307.
[4] Knüppel, A., Shipley, MJ, Llewellyn, CH et al. Sugar intake from sweet foods and beverages, common mental disorder and depression: prospective findings from the Whitehall II study. Sci Rep 7, 6287 (2017).
[5] Malik, Vasanti S.; Popkin, Barry M.; Bray, George A.; Després, Jean-Pierre; Willett, Walter C.; Hu, Frank B. (2010): Sugar-sweetened beverages and risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis. In: Diabetes Care 33 (11), pp. 2477–2483. DOI: 10.2337/dc10-1079.
Today there is a bit of movement, stretching and new strength with a mobility unit! “Mobifit” provides some videos for this.
Just pick one of them and get started.
Today, enjoy a spa day at home that can be just as relaxing and rejuvenating as a day at a spa.
Whether it's a manicure or a face mask, do whatever makes you feel good. The purpose of wellness is short-term regeneration. There are no prescribed ways to achieve this, but there are many individual ways to plan your wellness day:
Enjoy a long, warm bath with bubbles, relaxing music and a facial mask. Sit back and relax deeply.
A delicious, hot tea will warm you from the inside and help you relax further. You can also have a snack now and then, such as some chocolate or a delicious cupcake.
You can find more ideas here:
Plan and organize an (online) gaming night with your friends or family tonight.
Game nights are a great opportunity to chat with friends, laugh and spend a sociable evening. Since the current Corona circumstances do not allow everyone to get together at one table, we have put together a few options below for how you can organize the whole thing online. For the video chat, you can use Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, WhatsApp or Jitsi, for example.
Which games are suitable for an online game night?
Games in which each player has individual material in front of them (e.g. a game pad to fill in). However, the game must be available in all households playing.
Games that only require a game board on which tiles have to be moved or cards revealed.
In this case, someone can take on the role of game master.
Tip: It is best if the game master attaches their smartphone to a tripod or improvised holder so that the camera is facing the game board. This way, everyone can see what is happening and where their own pieces are. The game master then moves the corresponding pieces according to instructions.
Normally, everyone in this game would have a piece of paper stuck to their forehead so that they can't see the assigned name, but all the other players can.
As this is not possible, it gets a little complicated at the start of a round: the person for whom the piece of paper is intended does not look at it, while the celebrity name is held up to the camera for the other players to see. You do this in turn until the piece of paper has been shown to each player.
Tip: It is best if each player writes down the celebrity names of the other players.
No charades game ready?
Then you can come up with your own terms or use some from the Internet - there are some word suggestions here, for example.
One person opens a game and can then invite others via a link to compete in their painting and guessing skills - one person paints, everyone else guesses.
Mega fun! Especially because you paint even worse on a laptop than you probably already do.
Small catch: The site is unfortunately not optimized for mobile devices. It is therefore advisable to play the game on a tablet or laptop.
Give it a try - here you will find the right website.
Are you a huge fan of escape rooms, but they are closed due to the current Covid-19 situation?
Why not try an online version? One person can share their screen in a video chat and everyone can search for clues together.
Do you want to find out code words in teams with the help of clues?
You can try that here.
PlayOK offers some classic games such as Yahtzee, chess and backgammon.
Houseparty enables video telephony (available for Android, IOS or via link in the browser) with up to 8 participants and various games
such as
All that's left to do is agree on a time, prepare snacks and then you can get started right away!
Have fun!
How long have you been sitting at your computer or spending time at home today? Stop it! Put your laptop aside, put on your jacket, slip on your shoes and get outside!
Did you know that your physical environment can have a positive effect on you and your mental health? It offers the opportunity for physical activity and the opportunity to reduce stress. It can also promote personal development and a sense of place [1]. For example, if you have moved to a new city or you don't know your surroundings well, this is a great reason to go for a walk and have a positive effect on your mental health.
Other aspects that positively influence your mental health:
- Increase in positive emotions [2],
- Reduction of rumination [3]
- better values of mental health and joy of life [4].
The text showed how your physical environment can have a positive effect on your mental health. So there's nothing wrong with just getting outside and exploring new places. Look for parks, beautiful neighborhoods or forests. In Munich, for example, you can explore the English Garden, the Werksviertel or the Perlacher Forst.
[1] Nicole Bauer, JR, & Dörte Martens (2016). The influence of the physical environment on humans: recreation, well-being, health and quality of life. Introduction to the main topic.
[2] McMahan, E. A., & Estes, D. (2011). Measuring Lay Conceptions of Well-Being: The Beliefs About Well-Being Scale. Journal of Happiness Studies, 12(2), 267-287. doi:10.1007/s10902-010-9194-x
[3] Bratman, GN, Hamilton, JP, & Daily, GC (2012). The impacts of nature experience on human cognitive function and mental health. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1249(1), 118-136. doi:
[4] Flade A. (2018). Back to nature?. Springer, Wiesbaden.
"To read is to dream through another's hand." - Fernando Pessoa
Take at least 15 minutes to read today - an interesting book or the newspaper. You can also read up on a topic that interests you.
On the topic of health you can find on the TUM4Health page under the heading "stay at home" many new tips from TUM students on how to make the best use of the increased time at home.
Here you can also browse through the debunked health myths and test your knowledge.
Reading books was never and still is not really your thing?
Then try a podcast instead!
Take the time today and cook your favorite meal.
Do something good for yourself and your body and just start. If you have no idea, we have listed 3 recipes for you below. Have fun cooking (or recreating them).
Ingredients for 2 people:
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
½ zucchini
1 small sweet potato (optional: potatoes)
½ broccoli
1 bell pepper
400ml coconut milk
1 tbsp tomato puree
2 tsp curry paste (of your choice)
Spices to taste (salt, pepper, paprika powder etc.)
Optional: a dash of lime juice
Sauté the onion and garlic in a large pan until translucent, then add the sliced sweet potatoes and sauté. Next, add the sliced zucchini, bell peppers and broccoli. Add the tomato purée and curry paste and deglaze with the coconut milk. Then season the curry with spices of your choice and simmer for about 20 minutes. During this time, cook the rice (half a cup of rice with a whole cup of water). If you like, you can add a small dash of lime juice to the curry at the end.
Enjoy cooking and bon appétit!
Ingredients for 4 people:
400 g risotto rice
1 onion
1/8 l white wine
1 l broth
1 tbsp olive oil
50 g parmesan
1. to make the risotto with parmesan, start by peeling and finely chopping the onion. Sweat the onion in a pan with olive oil until slightly translucent, then add the risotto rice. Deglaze with the white wine and leave to infuse. Then add some of the hot broth so that the rice is covered with liquid. As soon as this soup has been absorbed, add more broth, stirring well.
2. cook the rice over a medium heat for about 20 minutes, stirring frequently, until soft. When the rice is soft on the outside but still has a bite on the inside, it is cooked. Season with salt and pepper. Once the rice is cooked, fold in the cold butter and grated Parmesan. The Parmesan in this dish helps to create a creamy consistency. Season to taste with salt and pepper and serve hot immediately. Enjoy your meal!
Ingredients for 2 portions:
2x salmon fillet (frozen/fresh)
6 medium sized potatoes
2 carrots
1 bunch of leek
1 broccoli
Olive oil
Salt, pepper
Heat the oven to 200°C top/bottom heat and place a pan of salted water on the stovetop to boil. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small potato wedges/slices and place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Brush the potato wedges with olive oil and season with rosemary and salt. Bake the potato slices in the middle of the oven for approx. 30 minutes until they are cooked and slightly browned. Meanwhile, peel and chop the remaining vegetables (carrots, leek, broccoli). When the water is boiling in the pan, cook the broccoli for approx. 5 minutes. Meanwhile, heat a pan with a little olive oil and fry the salmon. Now you just need to sauté the vegetables. Put the carrots, leek and chopped broccoli in a pan with a little olive oil and fry to the desired degree of doneness, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste.
When everything is ready, you can prepare a lemon to enhance the salmon.
Have fun trying it out and bon appétit!
Today, just do nothing for 10 minutes. Nothing at all. No watching TV, reading, checking emails or killing time on Instagram.
We have all forgotten what rest is, but rest is very important for us, especially for our brains. There are so many stimuli and things that distract you today that you live less in the present than you might wish. You should therefore relax more often, because our days are full until the last waking minutes. Even 10 minutes a day can do our brains a lot of good. Sit or lie down on a sofa, close your eyes and just be. Unwind, relax your body and let your thoughts flow. (1)
"Biologists have discovered that pausing and doing nothing slows down brain wave activity, lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation, improves the body's energy balance, reduces stress and strengthens the immune system." (2) We are more productive after rest breaks, so this time is not actually wasted, but extremely useful. It has also been shown that creativity increases and we are more likely to come up with good new ideas. (2,3)
What can you take away from this for your everyday life?
You learn to consciously perceive and decide when breaks are not only good for your health, but also for the tasks and activities. In order to see things differently and change your own way of thinking and acting in a solution-oriented way, even a few minutes distance from a topic or emotionally stressful situation is enough. (3)
All you have to do is take 10 minutes a day to step back and become familiar with the present moment so you can experience a greater sense of focus, calm and clarity in your life.
[1] Heath, I. (2012). The art of doing nothing. Huisarts en wetenschap, 55(12), 580-583.
[2] Cezanne, S. (2019). How to suddenly achieve more by doing nothing. Retrieved on 07.01.2021 from
[3] Schnabel, U. (2010). On intelligent idleness. Die Zeit, 2. De.
Owning less can be liberating. Decluttering can be a relief. Today, get rid of something you never use or something unnecessary to make room in your mind.
The life philosophy of minimalism - 6 facts:
1. Minimalism suggests reducing the material things we own as much as possible.
2. Minimalism is and can be expressed in different ways.
3. Minimalism is an alternative to the consumer-oriented life of today's affluent society.
4. Reasons for collecting or storing can be emotional, such as memories
the “if I ever
need it again" - could be a reason. Sometimes we keep unused things just because they are "worth" something, i.e. because they cost money. Ask yourself the question: "Does it give me joy?"
5. Possessions not only take up physical space in our closets, dressers, etc., they also take up mental space and our time as we have to organize or clean them. They can also lower our quality of experience by making us feel guilty.
6. Minimalism creates awareness of what you consume and what you save – for yourself and for the environment.
It's best to start with small steps. Separate things by area and then assess whether you really need something, might need something and what you can definitely do without.
Here are a few questions to get you thinking:
Which items of clothing or shoes no longer fit me?
Which items of clothing or shoes have I not worn for more than a year?
Do I have notebooks, old calendars or other documents that I don't use?
Do I have (one) “mess drawer” that I hardly ever open?
[1] (1997-2021). Quote on the topic: The art of living. Retrieved 07.01.2021 from Sorting out the unimportant is the core of all wisdom. (
[2] Thought world. (2017). Minimalism: Get rid of everything superfluous to make room in your thoughts. Retrieved 07.01. 2021 from Minimalism: Get rid of everything superfluous to make room in your mind - Thought World
[3] Goethe Institute eV (2015). Minimalism. GET AWAY BALLAST. Retrieved 07.01 from Shedding Ballast - Minimalism: Goethe-Institut
How often do you travel by car or public transport a short distance that could also be covered by bike or on foot?
Today try to get to everything without a car or public transport, for example by bike or on foot. Below we explain why this is not only sensible, but also profitable and praiseworthy.
Even just 6 minutes of increased activity per day can lead to a significant improvement in fitness. In addition, physical activity can also positively improve your physical self-esteem and thus your quality of life [1]. Another study found that more than 45 minutes of physical activity per day reduces the tendency to depression and improves the sense of coherence [2]. The sense of coherence consists of three components that are related to how you can deal with various psychological stressors. The higher your sense of coherence, the higher your resilience resources [3].
Not only does your physical fitness benefit, but so does our environment. Road traffic was responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions in 2018, so it makes sense to switch to cycling or walking. "The traffic comparison shows that cycling and walking can save 147g of greenhouse gas emissions per passenger kilometer compared to cars" [4]. Accordingly, covering several distances on foot or by bike is not only profitable for your own body, but also praiseworthy in terms of our environment.
[1] Hayes, R. M., Thompson, L. M., Gress, T., Cottrell, L., Pino, I., Gilkerson, C. L., & Flesher, S. L. (2015). Effects of a Brief Physical Activity Program on Young Students’ Physical Fitness. Clinical Pediatrics, 54(12), 1145–1152.
[2] Chen, Weiyun, Chen, Bo, Li, Qiang, Hua, Miaolin, Yu, Shouwen & Feng, Hongjing. (2016). Association of Mental Health with Physical Activity, BMI, and Positive Psychological Wellbeing in College Students: 3770 Board #209 June 4, 8: 00 AM - 9: 30 AM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 48, 1054.
[3] Antonovsky A. (1979). Health, Stress and Coping. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco
[4] Umweltbundesamt (2021). Radverkehr. Retrieved January 03, 2021, from
Put your phone away for an evening.
Turn your phone off or put it in airplane mode after 7 p.m. and make sure you don't use it until the next morning.
Important: Remember to set an alarm for the next day!
"Just putting down" the cell phone has become increasingly difficult for students due to the switch to many online formats at universities. Out of fear of missing something, not meeting deadlines or not dialing into the respective lectures on time, the cell phone has become even more integrated into everyday life. Therefore, today's challenge does not consist of an "absolute ban on cell phones", but most things should have been done by 7 p.m. and then the cell phone should be put away. The problem of smartphone use and the associated constant availability has become a new challenge for the health of the population. "Problematic use" is defined as "an inability to regulate one's own use of the cell phone, which ultimately has negative consequences in daily life" (1). According to a calculation by the analysis platform "App Annie", the average user spent around 3.7 hours a day on their smartphone in 2019. "Nomophobia" even describes the fear of not being reachable or "missing something important". This makes it difficult for the user to turn off the device, turn off notifications or log off (2). Results of a cell phone-free period (also called digital detox) include, for example, a more conscious perception of the environment, the feeling of having "more time" or clearer thought processes (3).
(1) Billieux J (2012). Problematic use of the mobile phone: A literature review and a pathways model. Curt Psychiatry Rev; 8:299-307
(2) Argumosa-Villar L, Boada-Grau J, Vigil-Cole A (2017). Exploratory investigation of theoretical predictors of nomophobia using the Mobile Phone Involvement Questionnaire (MPIQ). Journal of Adolescence; 56: 127-135
(3) Otto, D. (2016). Digital Detox. How to live a relaxed life with your cell phone and other devices. With the collaboration of Florian Weissagen. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. Available online at:
Find a special place today and watch your worries fade away as the sun rises or sets.
If it rains today, you can postpone the challenge to another day.
There are hardly any people who would say that they don't find a sunset or sunrise beautiful. It's called the magic hour for a reason. Sunsets have many psychological effects that increase long-term life satisfaction and physical benefits, and have been proven to reduce stress. Taking a meaningful moment in the morning or evening to just sit and watch something beautiful is a great solution to all the hustle and bustle of the day. Mental tensions subside and the mind relaxes. In addition, you are given a feeling of peace and balance by getting in touch with nature and the world at large. To make the fears, tensions and restlessness disappear completely, surround yourself in an imaginary solitude. Researchers have found that there is a connection between exposure to sunlight and the regulation of metabolism (1,2). In addition, the event is timed so you know exactly how long your break will be, making it easy to schedule the break into your day. And lastly, it gives you a reason to go outside.
In addition to aesthetics, the light phenomena have an important function for people. No single cell in the body functions the same in the morning, noon and evening. Performance is increased by the colder light colors during the day. Light from the blue spectrum has an acute awakening effect. The red light in the evening reduces stress and promotes the production of melatonin, which leads to a qualitative improvement in sleep (3).
(1) Werth L, Steidle A, Hubschneider C, de Boer J, Sedlbauer K. Psychological findings on light and its effects on humans – an overview. Building physics. 2013;35(3):193-204.
(2) Micks, V. (2020). Why are sunsets beautiful? Retrieved on 07.01.2021 from
(3) Hamilton-Paterson, J. (2009). Greetings from sunset. Retrieved on 07.01.2021 from
Lights out, sit back and watch the movie!
It's time to watch all the great movies that have been on your list for what feels like an eternity.
So put your feet up, snuggle up in a warm blanket and watch one film after another without feeling guilty. How about homemade nachos with cheese, pizza with various toppings or sweet popcorn?
Here you will find a list of our must-sees for your next movie night:
Today we're working in the kitchen again. Conjure up a delicious dish!
Have fun cooking!
You don't have a clear idea yet? - You can find delicious recipes that are also really quick to make on the TUM4Health page under
Challenge yourself today with a home workout using everyday objects!
Write down good things that happened today. What did you achieve today or what was particularly nice for you? Write a few words about it in your "happiness diary".
Finally, please fill out our short questionnaire (it only takes a few minutes!).
This way, at the end of the challenge we can see how you liked it and ensure a better offer! Thank you for your participation!
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